During the life of an agreement/contract, it is usual for the customer to be responsible for collecting and delivering its vehicles for routine servicing, safety inspections and MOT’s as well as for any non-scheduled events like damage, minor defects etc. Obviously this does not include breakdowns or defects that prohibit the vehicle from being driven on the public road.
However, it is possible to have certain elements of this service included within the agreement, although there are factors to be taken into consideration like travel time, vehicle size (what licences are required to drive) and operation (e.g. Pet Reg vehicles require special approval).
Faamco can include Collection and Delivery for the scheduled events described above (servicing, safety inspections, MOT’s) for the chassis. Of course, as the vehicle should be subject to iFleet Management, then any scheduled works due on the body or ancillary equipment will be matched to the nearest scheduled event on the chassis, in order to minimise downtime and disruption to the customer.